Job Corps
Job Corps
Job Corps is the nation’s largest and most comprehensive residential training program for at-risk youth ages 16 to 24 and has centers nationwide. But they’re not just about teaching you a job. That’s part of it, but Job Corps takes it even further by giving you a chance to change your life.
People who participate in Job Corps:
- Receive free training in academic, vocational and life skills
- Live and learn at the same training center
- Gain self-confidence and independence
- Find quality, long-term jobs or opportunities for advanced education
Once you’re in the program, Job Corps also provides you with support services to allow you to devote all your attention to your education and training. Benefits include:
- Medical, dental and vision care
- Performance bonuses
- Dorm living and free meals
- Sports and recreation
- Living and clothing allowances
- Placement assistance
To begin the application process or receive more information, please contact Job Corps
You can reach the national Job Corps office -800-733-JOBS (5627). TTY - 877-889-5627.
Contact: National Job Corps / Roswell Job Corps