Available Resources
- Use of the computer resource center located in each America's Job Center office
- Conference room for job interviews
- Telephone, Fax, and Copiers for use in your job search
- Skills Testing & Enhancement with WorkKeys, KeyTrain, and ProveIt!
- Access to the State jobs database
- Job Referrals
- Veterans Priority Services - including spouses of veterans
- Cross referrals: eligible WIOA participants to Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training (TAACCCT)
- Veterans Services
- Job Corps
- Youth Services
- Services for Seniors
- Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
Enrollment in Federally-funded Services
(You must meet specific program eligibility requirements)
- Educational Assistance - Individual Training Accounts
- Individualized Career Services
- On-the-job Training
- Trade Adjustment Act (TAA) training opportunities