For all of our Employer Services, please contact one of the America’s Job Center offices for details and to make an appointment.

Employer Survey

To better meet local workforce needs, the Eastern Area Workforce Development Board, is committed to improving our employment and job training programs. We would like to better understand your employment needs and requirements. Please take a few moments to respond to our Employer Survey. Your help will be most appreciated

Employer Incentives

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act

On-The-Job Training: We fund up to 50% for up to 1,040 hours for job seekers in the WIOA program in order for them to attain the experience and skills they need. This includes apprenticeship for construction trades and skills upgrade for incumbent workers.

 Education: We fund up to 104 weeks of education for job seekers in the WIOA program in order for them to attain a degree or other industry-specific credentials.

Short Term Training: We fund short-term training such as pre-employment skills and exam preparations, as well as credentialing/licensing fees for job seekers in the WIOA program.


Special Employer Incentives (SEI) The Veteran Employment Tax Credit legislation will provide a tax credit of up to $1,000 to businesses each time they hire a qualified veteran who has recently been discharged from the military. New Mexico Veterans Employment Tax Credit

Other Employer Incentives

Job Posting

Our staff will be glad to assist you with posting vacancies in your company on the New Mexico Workforce Connection website.
If you have not registered with NMDWS and would like to set up an account please let us know. We will be glad to help you set up your account and post vacancies. You can also visit the New Mexico Workforce Connection website to register.
If you already have an account and would like to post a job, please login to your account .

Video Conferencing*

We can make our video-conferencing facilities available to you for interviewing candidates for positions in your company who might not otherwise be available for a personal interview.
*Use of video equipment depends on availability and compatibility of video equipment at both ends.

Confidential Interview Space

Confidential office space can be made available to you for interviewing job applicants. Phone and Internet connectivity is also available. Please call to arrange for a time and space. We will be glad to accommodate you.

Skill Assessment and Testing

Our computer labs are available for specialized testing of job applicants. You can arrange for our offices to provide special WorkKeys testing for jobs that require specialized skills to meet your needs.